Hypertension Day Special, Hypertension …!

What is blood pressure?

Blood flows in your blood vessels at a certain pressure, so that blood can be supplied to all the organs in the body properly. The systolic blood pressure is usually around 120. Of course, in some individuals, it can range from 90 to 140. And the lower (diastolic) blood pressure range is usually 60 to 90.

Why is blood pressure so important?

If the blood pressure is high and we fail to notice it for a long time; our organs get the blood supply with more pressure. This may damage the vital organs of the body, especially the brain, kidneys, heart, and eyes. The heart needs to work against the increased blood pressure which brings more strain on it. Also, if the blood pressure drops, the organs in the body do not get the required blood supply. This may also damage the organs. As a result, blood pressure is an important issue, and it becomes very important to pay attention to it.

Who should check blood pressure?

Blood pressure should be checked at least once a year after the age of 18. Moreover, those who have a family history of high blood pressure; those who feel dizzy after walking, have constant headaches, shortness of breath after walking, and feel more irritable should get their blood pressure checked.

What will happen if blood pressure is never checked?

If Blood pressure is not checked and it’s on the higher side, nothing will happen instantly. In the long term, if high blood pressure remains undiagnosed and untreated, it can gradually lead to heart problems, paralysis, and kidney and eye problems in a few years. According to the World Hypertension League, 20% of those diagnosed with high blood pressure suffer from diabetes, 30% from cholesterol, 40% from obesity, and 25% from uric acid-related gout. Therefore, those who are diagnosed with high blood pressure may need to have other blood tests done.

What happens if blood pressure remains uncontrolled?

If blood pressure is uncontrolled and untreated, patients may suffer from kidney failure. This may require further dialysis or kidney transplantation. Patients may lose vision. Uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to heart problems, congestive cardiac failure, and even a heart attack. Besides, problems like irritability and headaches increase. Hypertension can also cause brain hemorrhage and the risk of stroke.

Can blood pressure be measured at home?

Blood pressure can be checked at home or in a doctor’s clinic. However, when the doctor checks the blood pressure in a clinic, there may be some anxiety in the patient and the blood pressure may appear to be elevated even though it is normal. This is called white-coat hypertension. To avoid this, the Hypertension Society suggests that blood pressure can be measured at home, in a state of calm.

What care should be taken while measuring blood pressure at home?

When it comes to checking blood pressure at home, it is important to sit quietly in the room and relax. Avoid intake of caffeinated tea and coffee for half an hour before the test. Avoid talking on mobile. Legs should be leaning on the ground and the back should be leaning against the chair and sitting must be completely relaxed. Take three readings and take an average of the three. The World Hypertension League says that the records of hypertension taken when the mind is stable in your home environment make a proper diagnosis of hypertension even if they are taken on an automatic machine.

What are the treatments for hypertension?

Lifestyle changes and medication are the two main treatments. For those whose hypertension is in the range of 140/90, treatment without medication is recommended. These include lifestyle changes, smoking cessation, 15 to 20 minutes of daily meditation, 3 to 4 kilometers of brisk walking, a reduction in oil intake, and increased intake of fruits and green leafy vegetables. Small changes like avoiding preserved foods high in salt and adding salt in cooked food separately while having food can control hypertension at the borderline. However, if blood pressure is higher than the borderline, some medications, including lifestyle changes, are also recommended and they need to be followed regularly on the advice of a doctor.

What is Ambulatory BP Monitoring?

In case of difficulties in registering the blood pressure, if different readings are coming every time, blood pressure is not under control even after taking medication, or there are significant fluctuations in the blood pressure, then the blood pressure is measured by using the Ambulatory monitoring method. In Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM), blood pressure is measured as you move around, living your normal daily life. It is measured for up to 24 hours. A small digital blood pressure monitor is attached to a belt around your waist and connected to a cuff around your upper arm. Ambulatory BP monitoring can detect abnormal changes in BP that might go unnoticed when it’s only measured in the doctor’s clinic. It brings blood pressure readings at different times of the day, averages it, and analyzes it. With this data, doctors can diagnose your blood pressure more properly and get scientific knowledge about when it can be controlled by taking medicine at which time. This makes accurate treatment of hypertension possible.

What is Resistant Hypertension?

Patients often ask that their BP is not under control despite taking five to six types of medicines daily. Such high blood pressure that does not respond well to aggressive medical treatment is called ‘resistant hypertension’. To know the exact cause of resistant hypertension, it becomes important to know if there is any other disorder in our body. For example, increased blood pressure is also found in kidney or thyroid disorders. Obstructive sleep apnea, which is caused by factors such as obesity, can also lead to high blood pressure. In such cases, sleep apnea should be treated with medication, and weight control should be maintained. This helps in controlling blood pressure.

What are the reasons behind the increased hypertension in young people these days?

According to medical science, hypertension can occur after the age of 40. This is called essential hypertension. Those who suffer from hypertension before the age of 40 are called secondary hypertension. Secondary hypertension happens as an outcome of diseases of the thyroid, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels in the body. Therefore, it is called ‘secondary’ hypertension. So, those who are suffering from this type of hypertension need to get all their organs tested. At present, the incidence of hypertension in the age group of 25 to 40 years has increased by 30%. It has been observed that there is no problem in their vital organs. However, stress in daily life, changed lifestyles, and habits like smoking cause high blood pressure. It can be easily remedied by making appropriate lifestyle changes.

In fact, Blood pressure is very simple to understand and an easy-to-diagnose disease. However, most of us do not take it seriously. If left undiagnosed or untreated, it may result in serious consequences which we have discussed earlier. Therefore, blood pressure should be checked regularly, at least once a year from the age of 18 years onwards. Hypertension needs to be diagnosed and treated at the right time. It is very much possible to live a healthy, happy, and long life by avoiding organ damage; just take proper care of your blood pressure.

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